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How to force Knitr to evaluate \Sexpr after all other code chunks

I am trying to write an abstract for a dynamic document, but my \\Sexpr{} calls are not working.

Essentially all I am trying to do is start the document off with an abstract that has p-values generated from \\Sexpr{value} where value is determined "downstream" in the document. For example

This works:


   value = 10

Today I bought \Sexpr{value} Salamanders


This does not work (and what I am trying to accomplish)


Today I bought \Sexpr{value} Salamanders

  value = 10

I don't see a straightforward solution to postpone evaluation of \\Sexpr after evaluation of code chunks, but it is still easy to use \\Sexp with values defined later in, for example, an abstract: Use a separate file ( myabstract.Rnw ) for the abstract, add \\input{myabstract} where the abstract is supposed to be included and knit myabstract.Rnw at the very end of the main document:

document.Rnw :



Main text.

answer <- 42


<<include = FALSE>>=

myabstract.Rnw :

The answer is \Sexpr{answer}.

Key to understanding how this works is to realize that knitr processes the document before LaTeX does. Therefore, it doesn't matter that the LaTeX command \\input{myabstract} includes myabstract.tex "before" (not referring to time but referring to the line number), knit("myabstract.Rnw") generates myabstract.tex .

For more complex scenarios, evaluation and output could be separated: Do all the calculations in early chunks and print the results where they belong. To show source code, reuse chunks (setting eval = FALSE ). Using the example from above, that means:


<<calculation, include = FALSE>>=
answer <- 42

  The answer is \Sexpr{answer}.

Main text.

<<calculation, eval = FALSE>>=


From an intuitive point of view it makes sense that this throws an error: How can you talk about the value of an object that is yet to be computed?

A possible workaround is to run the code chunk before but have include=FALSE and then reuse the code chunk later, see Chunk Reference/Macro: How to reuse chunks | knitr


%%# Code is evaluated but nothing is written in the output
<<foo, include=FALSE>>=
    value = 10

Today I bought \Sexpr{value} Salamanders

%%# Here code can be included in the output (figure, echo, results etc.)


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