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Jquery + select the first ul of a menu

I have read several posts of this problem but I don't find the solution.

I have created a menu with 3 levels. I want to display the second & the third levels with a hover on the first level. For this I use the code:

$("#header ul.menu li").hover(
        $(this).find("ul").fadeTo('slow', 0.9);

It's ok and the submenu appears with a hover on the first level.

But, if I make a hover the second and the third level some ul children of the first ul, disappears.

How can I select only the first ul in my function? I have tried with several methods but without success :

$("#header ul.menu > li").hover(...



Can you help me to resolve this problem?

Thanks for your replies.

Have you tried using the :eq pseudo selector? http://api.jquery.com/eq-selector/

You can select any element using an index:


The above will return the first <a> element on the page.

I have used the following method, it is working fine for me.

  $("ul.menu > li").hover(
                $(this).find("ul").fadeTo('slow', 0.9);


I have found a solution, but it may not be clean. With JQuery, I add a class on the first ul.menu (nav). Then I write this code:

            $(".menu-parent-wrapper > ul").addClass("nav");
            $("#header ul.nav > li").hover(
                    $(this).find("ul").fadeTo('slow', 0.9);

Now the menu is ok. The third level don't disapears when I make a hover on the items of the second level.

If you have another solution, you can post a new message.


This JSFiddle seems to do what you want.

I'm using jQuery's children() instead of find() as this prevents the secondary menus from being shown.

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