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Open the windows phone 8 windows calender through c# code

I would like to open the windows 8 calender through c# code once a button is pressed by the user. Is it possible to open the calender? and if so how can this be achieved?

Thank you in advance :)

If you have a Windows Phone application that has a page with a button named ButtonAppointments.

 private void ButtonAppointments_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Appointments appts = new Appointments();

        //Identify the method that runs after the asynchronous search completes.
        appts.SearchCompleted += new EventHandler<AppointmentsSearchEventArgs>(Appointments_SearchCompleted);

        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime end = start.AddDays(7);
        int max = 20;

        //Start the asynchronous search.
        appts.SearchAsync(start, end, max, "Appointments Test #1");

    void Appointments_SearchCompleted(object sender, AppointmentsSearchEventArgs e)
        //Do something with the results.

Refered from : How to access calendar data for Windows Phone 8

Try this

private void ButtonAppointments_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Appointments appts = new Appointments();

        appts.SearchCompleted += new EventHandler<AppointmentsSearchEventArgs>(Appointments_SearchCompleted);

        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime end = start.AddDays(7);
        int max = 10;

        //Start the asynchronous search.
        appts.SearchAsync(start, end, max, "Appointment");



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