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How to add product to cart in WooCommerce using JavaScript

Is it possible to add a product to cart with a new price using JavaScript? I have been working on a little script that calculates the price of the product. I would really like to write a function like this:

function addToCart(productID, productPrice) {
    //add the product to cart with JavaScript

Any help or pointers would be deeply appreciated.

So far I have written 4 main files:

  • functions.js - calculates and shows the current price based on options the customer chooses (this works fine)
  • ajaxSubmit.js - jQuery ajax to send the variables to my PHP files (sends successfully)
  • post.php - file where the variables are sent
  • simple.php - the single product PHP file which displays the product

I have been able to send the variable from the JavaScript function to my product but I don't know how to add the product to cart.

My post.php looks like this:

EDIT: The following code works now and adds the product with the id 747


global $woocommerce;


if (empty($_POST['ammount'])) {
    $return['error'] = true;
    $return['msg'] = 'You didnt select the amount.';

else {
    $return['error'] = false;
    $final_amount = $_POST['ammount'] * 10;
    $return['msg'] = 'Youve chosen: ' . $final_amount . '.';

echo json_encode($return);


I have found out that you can add a product into the cart using the following code in PHP:

global $woocommerce;

Then I tried adding these 2 lines into my post.php and it didn't work and also the form stopped working. If I add this into my simple.php (which basically displays the product) it works fine.

My question is: How can I add a product into the cart using this setup?

To add a product using AJAX I had to include the wp-load.php into my post.php file. That way I could access to the woocommerce variable and later add the product. Look above for the code fix.

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