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Wordpress looking in the wrong subdomain for wp-content

I have my wordpress installation at /var/www/html/wordpress2 and there's a totally separate wordpress installation at /var/www/html/html/wordpress .

When running the worpdress2 installation, I get errors saying it can't find /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/theme/.... How do I change it to look for these things in wordpress2 and not wordpress ?

Did you transfer wordpress to Wordpress 2? If so you need two separate databases, one for Wordpress and the other for Wordpress 2. Then you need to check the wp_options table to have their correct subfolder in the site URL and home URL.

Follow these steps in order to transfer your WordPress site from one location to another.

  1. Change the option_value(your root url of current wordpress site) corresponding to id(value 1) and option_name(value site_url) .

  2. Access your wp-admin(siteurl/wp-adimn) . Go to general-setting panel and change Site Address (URL), same as WordPress Address (URL).

Hope this will work for you. Same process you can follow to move WordPress site from local to server or one server to another.

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