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Ember Transform why use Ember.create() within deserialize return statement

The Ember docs explain the Transform functionality with an example. I have a problem to understand one thing.


Why they use Ember.create() within deserialize function instead only the pure object?

Like return { x: value[0], y: value[1] } instead Ember.create({ x: value[0], y: value[1] }).

What are the benefits to use Ember.create() (especially in the Transform function)?

App.CoordinatePointTransform = DS.Transform.extend({
  serialize: function(value) {
    return [value.get('x'), value.get('y')];
  deserialize: function(value) {
    return Ember.create({ x: value[0], y: value[1] });
App.Cursor = DS.Model.extend({
  position: DS.attr('coordinatePoint')

It creates a new instances with those properties (essentially a different copy). In this case it's doing nothing of consequence and could just be the hash.

Identical to Object.create(). Implements if not available natively.


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