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call to function in firefox extension main.js from webpage

i want to call a function in a Firefox extension from webpage.let me explain.i have this function in my main.js script.

function extension_function(profname,uurl){

var exe = FileUtils.getFile('XREExeF', []); //this gives path to executable
var process = Cc['@mozilla.org/process/util;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIProcess);
var args = ['-P',profname, '-no-remote', uurl];
process.run(false, args, args.length);


now i want to call this function from webpage .if i call extension_function("p1","www.fb.com") it give me a error extension_function is undefined ...how can i call my add-on function from webpage.

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In short, you need to dispatch a custom DOM event in your page and listen for it in your extension.

Because you're using the Add-on SDK, take a look here:


You basically have to attach a content script to the webpage (you can do it via PageMod or tab.attach), and then you can communicate via postMessage and port object.

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