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ui.router changing state, but ui-view doesn't display anything?

Though the states are changing successfully, I can't get the ui-view to update:


<a ui-sref="promo.foo">Foo state</a>
<a ui-sref="promo.bar">Bar state</a>

<div ui-view=""></div>



    .state('promo', {
               url: "/",
               abstract: true
    .state('promo.foo', {
               url: "promo/foo",
               template: "'<h3>Foo</h3>'",
               controller: function($scope) {
                   $scope.value = 'foo';
    .state('promo.bar', {
               url: "promo/bar",
               template: "'<h3>Bar</h3>'",
               controller: function($scope) {
                   $scope.value = 'bar';

Plnkr (with bootstrap styling)

I have also tried setting ui-view to equal specific states also; and to dynamically change its RHS from my $scope .

Since you're trying to create nested views, the home state should have a template with an ui-view-element in it. Also you have both double and single quotes in the template

template: "'<h3>Foo</h3>'"

Is this Plunker what you had in mind?


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