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How to create group property on xsp-config?

I am learning how to create UI Control on XPAGES ( http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/Master_Table_of_Contents_for_XPages_Extensibility_APIs_Developer_Guide )

And I have created my own control and I have set single property in xsp-config using property tag. But when I try to set group property using property-type tag, that group property is not shown.

Here my xsp-config


  <description>Forte Input Text</description>
  <display-name>Input Text</display-name>
     <category>Forte Library</category>

   <description>Data Source</description>
    <display-name>Data Source</display-name>


Note :

Result of this xsp-config can display : "Data Source" property but "Event" group property is not shown.

Do I miss something to configure on xsp-config ?

I'm not sure about the use of property-extension, but when I manually create a group of properties in a Custom Control, then look at the xsp-config file in Package Explorer under Custom Controls, it looks like the classes are wrong.

Do you want a single property where the users enter an instance of a java.util.Collection? If so, try this:


If you want a property with multiple instances, try:

        <property-item-class>YOUR INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY TYPE</property-item-class>

You can allow the users to enter it using the SSJS Editor by adding <editor>com.ibm.workplace.designer.ide.xfaces.internal.editors.MethodBindingEditor</editor> to <designer-extension>

So, it sounds like you want to provide a combo-box for selectable property values. To do this follow this pattern in the property:

    <property id="scrollDirection">
        <description>The direction to scroll. Use "v" for vertical or "h" for horizontal. Defaults to "v"</description>
        <display-name>Scroll Direction</display-name>

To create an actual group:

<group id="Some meaningful name">
    <description>A description of the group</description>
        <description>A normal property definition</description>

You can find the total xsp-config/faces-config reference here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/XPages_configuration_file_format

EDIT: Ah, ok. So after reading your comment I think I understand. You want to be able to add items to something like a list. So, you'll have to create a complex type to support this.

<complex-type id="CustomProperty">
    <description>Custom Complex Type property</description>
    <display-name>Custom Complex Type Property</display-name>
        <description>Name of the property to pass to the custom control</description>
        <display-name>Property Name</display-name>

And then in your component property (NOTE: The property-add-method tag, this will be a method in your component that in this case will add CustomComplexType objects to a java.util.List):

    <property id="customProperties">
        <description>A list of complex types</description>
        <display-name>Custom Properties</display-name>

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