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I want to msg a phone using sms but have it send the person back after the text is complete like “telprompt” but for sms

I am wondering if there is a way "sms" can take a person back to the app when they are done with their text? I know the phone method can by using "telprompt:%@" but can the sms be done that way as well so something like

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: @"smsprompt:%@"];

or is there a different method to do this as the example above doesn't work.

There is no URL scheme like telprompt: for SMS, you should even not use telprompt: since it is not an official URL scheme and might be removed by Apple is some future version of iOS with warning.

You can use the MFMessageComposeViewController to present the SMS composer in you own app.

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