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Error sending emails in symfony 2 [Connection refused #111]

I have problems sending emails from my production server with Symfony 2 , SwiftMailer and Gmail. When I send it from my localhost server no problem but when I test in the production server (Godaddy hosting) I get this error:

Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com [Connection refused #111] 500 Internal Server Error - Swift_TransportException

I googled and tried many solutions without success. In localhost server it works with any simple configuration. This is my config.yml

Swiftmailer Configuration


transport:  gmail
encryption: ssl
auth_mode:  login
host:       smtp.gmail.com
port:       587
username:   myuser
password:   mypassword

I put all the options for test but with email transport, username and password it works in localhost. I appreciated it any help in advance.

GoDaddy blocks all outgoing SMTP connections on their hosting. You will have to use their SMTP relay servers instead, or get a better host.



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