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Redirection in Symfony2

I want to use redirect in symfony to generate a url and at the same time I want to make a variable 'levels', accessible in the twig template but it does not seem to be working for me. here is the code:

return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('show_admin_panel'), array('levels' => $levels));

I got this error: The HTTP status code "1" is not valid.

and if I use this:

return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('show_admin_panel', array('levels' => $levels) ) );

I get this error: Variable "levels" does not exist in AUIAraBundle:Admin:admin_panel.html.twig at line 10

this is the code in the twig template:

 {% for level in levels %}
    <a href="{{ path('list_books',{'level_id': level.id}) }}"><li>{{level.letter}}</li></a>
 {% endfor %}

You don't need to query that variable 'level' in the action that redirects, just do:

return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('show_admin_panel'));

Then in your controller linked to your 'show_admin_panel', make sure query that variable and pass it to the render method

//$level = something;
return $this->render('AUIAraBundle:Admin:admin_panel.html.twig',
                'levels' => $levels

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