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Excel VBA : How to access (Referenced) Ranges from Formula in a Cell

I have a cell (such as B2 in 'Sheet-1') containing a formula like:


Now I want VBA code that can access the references contained in the formula entered in that cell (ie B2 in Sheet-1) and then go to those references and make a change in those referred cells.

Expanding on z's comment somewhat.

Range(<cell>).Precedents returns a VBA Range representing all cells referred to by <cell> eg if cell A1 had the formula =B1+D1 then Range("A1").Precedents = Range("B1,D1")

Expanding this to further fulfil the requirements of your question we can then iterate over the cells within this range using a For Each loop as shown in the example below:

Public Sub AmendPrecedents(fromCell As Range)
    Dim rngReferredTo As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    Set rngReferredTo = fromCell.Precedents

    For Each cell In rngReferredTo
        'Do something with this cell, in this case we're just coloring the background red
        cell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
    Next cell
End Sub

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