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ng-repeat adding blank <tr>

I'm a newb to Angular and I'm trying to create a table by using ng-repeat to generate <tr> 's

My controller

 .controller('ContactCtrl', ['$scope', 'Contact',
    function($scope, Contact) {
      $scope.contacts = Contact.query();

My Factory

.factory('Contact', ['$resource', 'ENV',
    function($resource, ENV) {
      return $resource(ENV.apiEndpoint, {}, {
        query: { method:'GET', isArray:true }
        // create: { method:'POST', }

my Partial

<table class="table table-striped">
        <th>first name</th>
        <th>last name</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp">

now for some odd reason this is the html I'm getting back the correct things but there are empty <td> elements.

<table class="table table-striped">
        <th>first name</th>
        <th>last name</th>
      <!-- ngRepeat: contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp --><tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp" class="ng-scope">
        <td class="ng-binding">testing</td>
        <td class="ng-binding">Test</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding"></td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding">me@asdfa.ca</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding"></td><td>
      </td></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp --><tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp" class="ng-scope">
        <td class="ng-binding">stuff</td>
        <td class="ng-binding">Test</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding"></td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding">me@asdfa.ca</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding"></td><td>
      </td></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp --><tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp" class="ng-scope">
        <td class="ng-binding">bob</td>
        <td class="ng-binding">Test</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding">778-714-3492</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding">me@asdfa.ca</td><td>
        </td><td class="ng-binding">1231 comce</td><td>
      </td></tr><!-- end ngRepeat: contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp --><tr>

what is going on here why is there multiple empty <td>

close your `<td>`


 <tr ng-repeat="contact in contacts | filter:searchParams | orderBy:orderProp">

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