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Emberjs: Two-Way Data-binding between Number Inputs

I am looking at data binding in Ember, and I want to bind two input type="number" elements so that changing either of the elements will update the other element. Here is the JSBin .

What I would like to have is the following:

Biker = DS.Model.extend(
    bikes: (->
        @get("tires") / 2
    tires: (->
        @get("bikes") * 2

But that will result in the following stack overflow:

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded ember.js:1 Ember.assert ember.js:1 get ember.js:2167 Ember.Observable.Ember.Mixin.create.get ember.js:12425 (anonymous function) biker.js:32 ComputedPropertyPrototype.get ember.js:4951 get ember.js:2176 Ember.Observable.Ember.Mixin.create.get ember.js:12425 (anonymous function) biker.js:29 ComputedPropertyPrototype.get

What is the best way to achieve 2-way absolute data-binding with input elements?

Note: I asked something similar, but about angular .

Instead of writing circular code, have just one of the properties watch the other. Ember's computed properties allow you to define setter and getter functions for this exact purpose:

App.Biker = DS.Model.extend({
  bikes: DS.attr('number'),
  tires: function(key, value) {
    // Setter
    // Says: if we did this.set('tires', something);
    if (arguments.length > 1) {
      var bikes = value != 0 ? value / 2 : 0; // Incase zero bikes
      this.set('bikes',  bikes);

    // Getter
    return this.get('bikes') * 2;

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