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settings.bundle ios configure iOS8

I have a problema with iOS8 and the bundle settings, I have a textField where is insert a URL in the settings and use it in my app, but in iOS 8 do not save the text of textField, when I go out of setting and return the textField is in default.

Somebody may be know if in iOS 8 something change about bundle settings.

Another strange change about it, is in iOS8, it have something like this (image), but in iOS 7, the settings do not have IPHONE SETTINGS part.


Last answer apple forum.

View or Reply online: https://devforums.apple.com/message/1038479#1038479

--- Fibonacci

I observed the same problem on the GM simulator, both with my app and the AppPrefs sample. When I installed the iOS 8 GM on a iPad 2 physical device, however, the problem went away.

So there is at least some hope that the bug is in the simulator only, and not in the system that will be landing on all our customers' devices in a week! If anyone else watching this thread can test on other physical devices with the GM system, please post your results here.

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