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Passing value from database to view in DropDownList in ASP.net mvc 4

I have a Controller and I am taking an object of database and passing it to view. Here is the action method for it

public ActionResult NewRequest(Bookinfo bookinfo)

        using (var db = new Database1Entities1())
            return View(db.Bookinfoes.ToList());


And here is my view method

 @model IEnumerable<MvcApplication.Models.Bookinfo>
ViewBag.Title = "NewRequest";


@foreach (var item in Model)
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Bookname)
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Authorname)
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Publishername)
  <td> </td>


As you can see that I am able to display the data normally but i want to display the data in drop downlist. Also I want to select an item from dropdownlist and take its value so that i can manipulate it How can I do it??? Sorry if this seems to be a simple question. i have just started learning asp.net mvc4

Here is the book info model

namespace MvcApplication.Models
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public partial class Bookinfo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Bookname { get; set; }
    public string Authorname { get; set; }
    public string Publishername { get; set; }

DropDownList helper will make your drop down list. All you have to do is to build your SelectList dropdownlist content. You can try this :

  // Remove foreach loop

            @Html.DropDownList("Bookname", Model.Select(m => new SelectListItem() { Text = m.BookName, Value = m.Bookname} ).ToList())
             @Html.DropDownList("Authorname", Model.Select(m => new SelectListItem() { Text = m.Authorname, Value = m.Authorname} ).ToList())
             @Html.DropDownList("Publishername", Model.Select(m => new SelectListItem() { Text = m.Publishername, Value = m.Publishername} ).ToList())
  <td> </td>

In controller store the select list into View Bag:

ViewBag.BookinfoId = new SelectList(db.Bookinfoes, "BookinfoId", "BookinfoName");

And in your view Use the ViewBag Name to bind the dropdown :

@Html.DropDownList("BookinfoId", "Select")

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