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How to change the value of XML Element attribute using PowerShell?

I am trying to access and change the particular attribute from XML tag


  <staff branch="Hanover" Type="sales">
        <Name>Tobias Weltner</Name>
        <Name>Cofi Heidecke</Name>
  <staff branch="London" Type="Technology">

From the above example I want to print branch attribute and then want to change it with one value such as New York in all the whole XML and using below code to do that

       $xml=New-Object XML



      write-output $node.branch
      $node.branch="New York"

But get an error stating can't find the element.

Can someone please help?

Try the following:

$nodes = $xml.SelectNodes("/office/staff");
foreach($node in $nodes) {
    $node.SetAttribute("branch", "New York");

This will iterate through all nodes returned by SelectNodes() and modify each one.

You can access the attributes directly in the [xml] object like this:

# C:\temp> $xml = [xml](Get-Content C:\FE6Work.xml)
# C:\temp> $xml.office.staff

branch                   Type                           employee                                                             
------                   ----                           --------                                                             
Hanover                  sales                          {Tobias Weltner, Cofi Heidecke}                                      
London                   Technology                     {XXXX, Cofi}                                                         

# C:\temp> $xml.office.staff | foreach{$_.branch = "New York"}
# C:\temp> $xml.office.staff

branch                   Type                           employee                                                             
------                   ----                           --------                                                             
New York                 sales                          {Tobias Weltner, Cofi Heidecke}                                      
New York                 Technology                     {XXXX, Cofi}                                                         

if we are taking attribute from console and changing its value ?

$path=Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter path of xml file'
[xml]$xmldata = get-content "$path"

$tag = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter tag'
$value = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter value'

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