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Rstudio shiny select row in DataTables?

Is there anyway to have select row working with dataTables in Shiny?


This post in shiny-discuss seems to indicate that it is not possible, but it's quite an old post:


Anyone have a working example in gist or elsewhere?

Maybe the version you are using its a little old. Look at this: http://datatables.net/reference/api/row()

Try this:

.row() function makes it possible to get the data when a particular row is clicked.

shinyServer(function(input, output) {
       output$table_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
                                          escape = FALSE,
                                          callback = JS(
                                          'table.on("click.dt","tr",function() {
                                               var data1 =table.row(this).data();

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