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Visible binding and dynamic css binding

In this example, Knockout is working as intented. I'm looking for an alternative way of achieving the goal of having a dynamically filled grid with CSS class .last on every second item. In a way, I'm probably looking for a different approach.

JSFiddle with description

My problem illustrated on http://jsfiddle.net/96vdD/7/ and described here:

Three people pass through the foreach . Adding three div s to the grid. Dynamically, Knockout assigns a css class of last to every second div that comes out of the foreach .

At the same time, each people s visibility property decides whether or not (s)he will be displayed in the grid.

The CSS will strip the margin of every .last div in the grid, to prevent each second div from being moved to the next 'row'. A common layout technique in CSS.

See what happens when you change Charles' visibility to true and run the JSFiddle.


The second person in the example, Charles, is not shown in the grid (because his property visible is set to false ). However, Denise is still moved to the next row. Knockout adds a style="display:none" to Charles, but also applies the class="last" rule to him, while ideally I would like Denise to receive the class="last" as visually she is the second people in the grid.


How can I have Knockout ignore !visible elements when applying the class="last" rule?

You can create a computed array of only visible people:

self.visiblePeople = ko.computed(function() {
    return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.people(), function(person) {
        return person.visible;

then bind on it in your html:

<div class="wrapper" data-bind="foreach: visiblePeople">

Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/96vdD/8/

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