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PHP date excluding weekend

I am currently doing a website which offers delivery Monday through Friday only.

I am trying to figure out how to add delivery date. For eg:

"Order today and you can expect delivery on DD/MM/YY"

The above date would require to exclude any weekends

So basically if ordered today the delivery day is 4 working days later excluding weekends.

Try this:

    echo strftime("%e/%m/%y", strtotime("+4 weekday"))

It creates a time string "4 weekdays from now" formatted as DD/MM/YY.

The relative formats for dates that can be used with strtotime are explained here: http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.relative.php

Try this logic. You can modify it according to your needs.

    $curdate = '2014-07-19';
        case 0: // sun
        case 1: // mon
            $days = 4;
        case 2:    
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
            $days = 6;
        case 6: // sat
            $days = 5;
    echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$curdate +$days days"));

Here did exactly what you want

$workdays = array();
$month = date('n'); // Month ID, 1 through to 12.
$year = date('Y'); // Year in 4 digit 2009 format.
$day_count = cal_days_in_month($type, $month, $year); // Get the amount of days

        for ($i = 1; $i <= $day_count; $i++) {

            $date = $year.'/'.$month.'/'.$i; //format date
            $get_name = date('l', strtotime($date)); //get week day
            $day_name = substr($get_name, 0, 3); // Trim day name to 3 chars

            //if not a weekend add day to array
            if($day_name != 'Sun' && $day_name != 'Sat'){
                $workdays[] = $i;



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