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Data import from mysql to solr?

Sorry but I am new in solr but I am stuck in this.

First what I am doing: I have use Tomcat server to install my solr.

What I want to do: I want to import mysql data to solr.

I have been searching for hours but could not find a proper solution to it have seen many question but to nearest to it was this Question . but it was no help cause it have a different error.

This is my command:


This is my error:

Error:HTTP Status 404 - /solr/db/dataimport

type: Status report

message: /solr/db/dataimport

description The requested resource is not available.

Sorry I am new to solr any advice will be very helpful.

This line is from the example that ships with Solr. If you just found it on the internet, see the README.txt file in the example/example-DIH directory of the distribution.

If you are trying to configure your own collection, you need to replace the db part with your collection name and you need to configure DIH in solrconfig.xml (libraries and end-point) and you need to configure the import definition to use your own database.

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