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How does one queue a Team Foundation build from the command line?

tf.exe gives access to pretty much everything Team Foundation can do in terms of source control, but doesn't have an obvious way to queue a build from the command line (or from a script). Is there a means of doing this shipping with Team Foundation, or a third party tool that can do this?

2.At the command prompt type:


<root>:>TFSBuild start http://server01:8080 AdventureWorks Nightlies

Where the Team Foundation Server is the server specified by the build definition, "Nightlies" and the built files are saved in the build drop location, which is also specified by the build definition. The <root> specifies the drive, usually "C". The " http://server01 " specifies the URL for the Team Foundation server, "AdventureWorks" specifies the team project, and "Nightlies" specifies the build definition

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