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Limit number of list items to be displayed in List expression

I have a requirement of displaying a list array in two divs, first half in first DIV and second half list in second DIV. Please not that I don't want to splice the list array in two parts and display them in two lists.

Here is the template I have, for example

<!-- First half number of items should be displayed in firstHalf div -->
<div id="firstHalf">
   {{#each names:i}}
      {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
<!-- Second half number of items should be displayed in secondHalf div -->
<div id="secondHalf">
   {{#each names:i}}
      {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

For example If I have data like below

var data = [ {
    firstName : "Joe", lastName: "Armstrong"
}, {
    firstName : "Jose", lastName: "Valim"

It needs to be rendered like below

<div id="firstHalf">
   Joe Armstrong
<div id="firstHalf">
   Jose Valim

Please give me suggestions to proceed further.

Mustache is logic less, and if you do not provide two arrays, you cannot split the entries in two divs.

When the template is rendered each occurring {{key}} is substituted with the same value, for each element in the list.

For this you could probably use handlebars.

You can probably do it by iterating over the list twice in a template and still only using one array. Just use a conditional in each iteration to to the first or second half of the list.

Template has two sections: one for each half

<div id="firstHalf">
    {{#each names:i}}
        {{#if i < names.length / 2}} // Conditional to only display first half of `names`
            {{firstName}} {{lastName}}
<div id="secondHalf">
    {{#each names:i}}
        {{#if i > names.length / 2}} // Conditional to only display second half of `names`
            {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

Inspired by code from here: http://pastie.org/9415897#

Another valid approach would be to reference list members indirectly, via an index reference. In this example we're generating a range of indices, and then referring to list[this] :

<!-- First half number of items should be displayed in firstHalf div -->
<div id="firstHalf">
   {{#each range(0,names.length/2) }}
      {{names[this].firstName}} {{names[this].lastName}}

<!-- Second half number of items should be displayed in secondHalf div -->
<div id="secondHalf">
   {{#each range(names.length/2,names.length) }}
      {{names[this].firstName}} {{names[this].lastName}}

The range() function just looks like this:

function ( start, end ) {
    var arr = [];
    for ( i = Math.floor(start); i < Math.floor(end); i += 1 ) {
        arr.push( i );
    return arr;

Even though there's a perfectly good solution from pseudosavant, I'm mentioning this because indirectly referencing elements is a useful trick to have up your sleeve when doing things like two-way binding with tabular data.

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