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infinite scroll with masonry and filterrific

I'm trying to use infinite scroll with filterrific results in a masonry object. When the photos reload, they reload in a single-file but I want the results to fill up the whole page, so I don't think the masonry is being reloaded with the infinite scroll.


$(window).on 'scroll', ->
  if $('.pagination').length
    @url = $('.pagination .next_page').attr('href')
    if url && $(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 50
      $('#filterrific_results div').last().load @url+' #filterrific_results', ->
          if $('.next_page.disabled').length


<% js = escape_javascript(
  render(partial: 'profiles/list', locals: { profiles: @profiles })
) %>
$("#filterrific_results").html("<%= js %>");

<% if @profiles.next_page %>
$('.pagination').replaceWith('<%= j will_paginate(@profiles) %>');
<% else %>
<% end %>


    = page_entries_info profiles
  .feed-jobs.feed-search{class: (profiles.any? && profiles.first.worker?) ? "feedgrid" : "feedlist"}
= render profiles
  = will_paginate profiles
  $(function() {
    var $container;
    $container = $(".feedgrid");
    $container.imagesLoaded(function() {
        itemSelector: ".item",
         columnWidth: 0,
        gutterWidth: 0

I figured this out on my own. I copied some of the code from Railscast #114 endless page http://railscasts.com/episodes/114-endless-page-revised . I included the JS code that supposedly eliminated the pagination code, but it didnt work, do I had to make a CSS div as well. There is probably a DRYer way for this.


<% js = escape_javascript(render(partial: 'profiles/list', locals: { profiles: @profiles })) %>
$('#filterrific_results').append('<%= js %>');
  <% if @profiles.next_page %>
    $('.pagination').replaceWith('<%= j will_paginate(@profiles) %>');
  <% else %>
   <% end %>

_list.html.haml (this would be index.html.haml, if you don't partial out)

    = page_entries_info profiles
    = render profiles
    = will_paginate profiles



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