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git branch from branch instead of from master

I have created a adjacent branch from another adjacent branch instead of from master branch. I have added the changes and pushed. Now I have seen that it is like

*   master commit update readme (this is how I have noticed it)
| * adj_br_2 commit blahblah
| * adj_br_1 commit blah
*   master commit blblbl

Now I want to create the 2nd branch from master instead of from 1st branch.

*   master commit update readme (this is how I have noticed it)
| * adj_br_2 commit blahblah
| * adj_br_1 commit blah
*   master commit blblbl

Is there a way to do it without clearing and recreating the branch? In fact I need a fast way to fix it. Any suggestions?

I would just create a new one from the master:

git checkout -b new-branch master

and then if your original branch contained commits you want to take in the new branch, you can cherry-pick them:

git cherry-pick commit1 commit2 ...

and then you can remove the second adjacent branch you wanted to recreate:

git branch -d adj_br_2

In git, creating branches is pretty cheap and fast, you can afford to create new ones whenever you need to.

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