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Custom User Control In Windows Phone

I have a Custom User Control in the page. In this Custom User Control there are labels, DELETE ITEM Button and Quantity Textbox. In my page there is a ListBox which gets items from list, list is generated from local storage.

Now When I click on DELETE ITEM Button, It Goes to ListBox_SelectionChanged and takes the Selectedindex and further goes to DeleteButton_Tap and provides Selectedindex to it and deletes the item.

Now the problem is, if i click inside Quantity Textbox, it does not first goto ListBox_SelectionChanged to get SelectedIndex of item you want to update the quantity. but it directly goes to QuantityBox_TextChanged inside Custom User Control.

How can i send the SelectedIndex of the item of which i am trying to change the quantity?

EDIT-----------------------------CODE of Custom Control//

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;
using Microsoft.Phone.Shell;

namespace XMLParsing
    public partial class CustomCartFavControl : UserControl
        public CustomCartFavControl()
        Singleton singletonInstance = Singleton.mft;

        private const string strConnectionString = @"isostore:/MFTDB9.sdf";

        private void deleteItem_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)

            MessageBoxResult resultDelete = MessageBox.Show("Delete This Item From Cart?", "Cart:", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
            if (resultDelete == MessageBoxResult.OK)
                using (MFTDataContext MFTdb = new MFTDataContext(strConnectionString))
                    IQueryable<Database> ListQuery = from Item in MFTdb.MFTCart where Item.ProductUniqueID == singletonInstance.CartItemIDs[singletonInstance.ItemToChange] select Item;
                    Database itemRemove = ListQuery.FirstOrDefault();

                singletonInstance.somethingDeletedFromCart = true;

            else if (resultDelete == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
                singletonInstance.somethingDeletedFromCart = false;



        private void QuantityBoxLabel_TextChanged_1(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            if (QuantityBoxLabel.Text != "")
                singletonInstance.QuantityChanged = int.Parse(QuantityBoxLabel.Text);


        private void QuantityBoxLabel_MouseLeave(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
           //Update Cart
            if (singletonInstance.QuantityOriginal == singletonInstance.QuantityChanged)
            //Do Nothing! Quantity Not Changed
                singletonInstance.SomethingChanged = false;
                //Work here for Quantity Update etc code:
                singletonInstance.SomethingChanged = true;
                if (singletonInstance.QuantityChanged == 0)
                    // new quantity =0
                    MessageBox.Show("You Didn't Enter A Valid Quantity. Quantity Changed Back To: " + singletonInstance.QuantityOriginal);
                    if (singletonInstance.UpdatedSuccessfully == false)

                        // new quantity !=0
                        //Test on Product ID:519
                        // Chnange to dynamic via SlectionIndex or anything..

                        //DISABLE FOR TESTING:
                        //using (MFTDataContext MFTdb = new MFTDataContext(strConnectionString))
                        //    var itemToChange = (from item in MFTdb.MFTCart
                        //                        where item.ProductID == singletonInstance.ItemToChange
                        //                        select item).Single();

                        //    itemToChange.ProductQuantity = singletonInstance.QuantityChanged;
                        //    itemToChange.ProductTotalPrice = singletonInstance.QuantityChanged * itemToChange.ProductPrice;
                        //    MFTdb.SubmitChanges();

                        singletonInstance.SomethingChanged = false;
                        singletonInstance.UpdatedSuccessfully = true;

                    (Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Navigate(new Uri("/Cart.xaml?refersh=" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), UriKind.Relative));


        private void QuantityBoxLabel_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Do same as QuantityBoxLabel_MouseLeave
            QuantityBoxLabel_MouseLeave(null, null);


        private void QuantityBoxLabel_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
           //Cant be 0 . Already Filtered in ThirdPage

            if (QuantityBoxLabel.Text != "")
                singletonInstance.QuantityOriginal = int.Parse(QuantityBoxLabel.Text);


        private void QuantityBoxLabel_MouseEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
         //   TESTING;
           // this.QuantityBoxLabel.IsHitTestVisible = false;

            //Cant be 0 . Already Filtered in ThirdPage
            singletonInstance.QuantityOriginal = int.Parse(QuantityBoxLabel.Text);


        private void QuantityBoxLabel_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)

Dont worry, We will get you the solution. If Quantity_TextChanged method is raised, just add these lines in your Quantity TextBox.

<TextBox IsHitTestVisible="False" />

Now you will be redirected to listbox_SelectionChanged method. There, you will get the selected index of the listbox. Now raise the keyboard using,


Now again get the new value from the user, replace the old value with the new value using the selected index of the listbox and display the value again. Its simple right :)

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