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Where should my npm modules be installed on Mac OS X?

I was attempting to upgrade phonegap via npm when I started running into trouble. Long story short, there are two node_modules directories on my computer.


When I run npm upgrade -g phonegap , it appears that npm updates the copy of the package that resides in /usr/local/lib/node_modules . However, if I which phonegap I find that the symlink points to the older installation at /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules .

Also, when I attempt to install a stand alone package such as express , the files are installed in the /usr/local/lib/node_modules directory, but no symlink to the executable is created in anywhere in my $PATH .

Two questions:

  • Which is the proper directory for node modules on Mac OS X?
  • How can I configure npm to link executables in my $PATH when it installs software?

Bonus points: Does the method of installing node affect the configuration? There are a lot of options .

EDIT : I figured out that symlinks were being created in my /usr/local/bin , but my .bash_profile was setup with /usr/local/share/npm/bin ahead of /usr/local/bin in my $PATH . I vaguely remember adding that path to my profile at some point, but I'm not sure why.

So the question now becomes: how did I end up with two different node_modules directories on my computer and why would I want to have my node_modules in the share/npm/lib subdirectory instead of right in /usr/local/lib ?

/usr/local/lib/node_modules is the correct directory for globally installed node modules.

/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules makes no sense to me. One issue here is that you're confused because there are two directories called node_modules :


The latter seems to be node modules that came with Node, eg, lodash , when the former is Node modules that I installed using npm .

Second Thomas David Kehoe , with the following caveat --

If you are using node version manager (nvm), your global node modules will be stored under whatever version of node you are using at the time you saved the module.

So ~/.nvm/versions/node/{version}/lib/node_modules/ .

npm root -g

检查 npm_modules 全局位置

If you want to know the location of you NPM packages, you should:

which npm // locate a program file in the user's path SEE man which
la /usr/local/bin/npm // la: aliased to ls -lAh SEE which la THEN man ls
lrwxr-xr-x  1 t04435  admin    46B 18 Sep 10:37 /usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

So given that npm is a NODE package itself, it is installed in the same location as other packages( EUREKA ). So to confirm you should cd into node_modules and list the directory.

cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
@angular npm .... all global npm packages installed


npm root -g

As per @anthonygore 's comment

Find the current path for current active npm installation:

npm root -g

OR try one of these popular defaults:



MacOS (installed through brew):


Linux (probably macos also) when installed with nvm:


Windows (bonus 🎉)

C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\


Press CMD+Shift G and paste this URL.

The folder usr is hidden, so its not visible when you search generally.

use this command: npm -t -> to find the path to your global npm package.

if you are using nvm (node version manager package). Then your path may look something like this /Users/yourName/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.3/lib/node_modules/npm

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