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Meteor.call is returning Error invoking Method 'addToMenu': Internal server error [500]

I am new to Meteor and am trying to use a Meteor.call() to push an object to an array in my collection. Here is my code.

My template events map

'click .save': function (event, template) {
var mealId = Session.get('selected');
var category = template.find(".category").value;
var dish = template.find(".dish").value;
 if (category.length && dish.length) {
    category: category,
    dish: dish

and my model.js in the shared folder,

addToMenu = function(options) {
var id = Random.id();
Meteor.call('addToMenu',_.extend({ _id: id}, options));
return id;

createMeal: function(options) {
check(options, {
  date: String,
  time: String,
  street: String,
  city: String,
  state: String,
  zipcode: String,
  _id: Match.Optional(String)

if (options.street.length > 100)
  throw new Meteor.Error(413, 'Street address too long');
if (options.city.length > 25)
  throw new Meteor.Error(413, 'City name too long');
if (options.state.length > 20)
  throw new Meteor.Error(413, 'State name too long');
if (! this.userId)
  throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'You must be logged in');

var id = options.id || Random.id();
  _id: id,
  owner: this.userId,
  street: options.street,
  city: options.city,
  state: options.state,
  zipcode: options.zipcode,
  date: options.date,
  time: options.time,
  menu: [],
  ingredients: [],
  invited: [],
  rsvps: []
return id;

addToMenu: function(options) {
check(options, {
  category: String,
  dish: String,
  _id: Match.Optional(String)
if (! this.userId)
  throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You must be logged in to add dishes.");
if (! mealId)
  throw new Meteor.Error(404, "No such meal");
Meals.update(mealId, {$addToSet: {menu: {category: options.category, dish:

I could have just created a related collection called Menu and set {owner: mealId} but I really wanted to run this exercise of embedded documents on MongoDB. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I'm guessing the problem is that there's no mealId variable in scope in the addToMenu method. You probably meant to pass it as a parameter:

  addToMenu: function(mealId, options) {
    check(mealId, String);
    // rest of function body unchanged

addToMenu = function(mealId, options) {
  var id = Random.id();
  Meteor.call('addToMenu', mealId, _.extend({ _id: id}, options));
  return id;

'click .save': function (event, template) {
  var mealId = Session.get('selected');
  var category = template.find(".category").value;
  var dish = template.find(".dish").value;
  if (category.length && dish.length) {
    addToMenu(mealId, {category: category, dish: dish});

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