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ASP.NET get URL of the loaded page

I might be approaching this issue the wrong way, but I am in need of knowing either the current URL of the current ASP.NET page or the form name.

I have a C# application with a WebBrowser which runs the ASP.NET application. Whenever I check the current URL in the WebBrowser component it always says it's the 'Default.aspx' page. Which is fine when you're running it in another browser, but I am in need of knowing the exact URL or the form.

I've also tried creating a javascript function to return the current URL, but since this function is only added to the 'default.aspx' page (so all the pages can access this function) I only get returned the 'default.aspx' URL.

Any ideas?


Edit: I forgot to mention that I use WCF events binded through net.tcp. When the ASP.NET application receives such an event, it should handle differently based on the current page it's on. I am not able to use Request or HTTPContext.Current, since there are NULL is my case.

Try below

private string GetCurrentURL()
  string appPath = Request.ApplicationPath.ToString();
  string[] strPath = Request.RawUrl.ToString().Split('/');
  if (strPath.Count() == 2)
      return Request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace(appPath, "")
     return Request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace(appPath, "").Substring(1));

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