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Include/Require non php file

I know that PHP's include/require statements can append other .php files into the script, either from a local path or an url.

Today i tried to include and also to require a .ddf (a text file), and it worked, with no errors or warnings. Then PHP actually executed some code that was in that file!

After that i went into the PHP's documentation for include to see if including non-php files is fully supported and safe. Turns out that, the documentation barely mentions this procedure ( include 'file.txt'; // Works. ) that's it.

So i'm asking you guys, Is including non-php files safe? Also is it a bad practice?

It is not advisable to include txt files in php scripts. Instead, you should use file_get_contents .

I just want to say that it is completely unsafe. While yes, as long as you trust the page, you technically could do this. But the page when pulled up directly in the browser isn't parsed as php. Anyone who goes directly to the file in the web server, whether guessing or you made a framework or they just know some file names, would see the complete source of the file. Exposing your site and possibly releasing sensitive information like database credentials. Another thing to think about is that people are usually pretty good about not allowing *.php files to be uploaded to their site, but just imagine you are allowing other files to be included and someone uploads a text file named "someImage.jpg" with php script in it and for some dumb reason you include it. People now have a way to execute scripts on your server. Likely including calling shell commands (exec). It used to be common practice to use *.inc files to specify includes but that has been considered bad for quite a long time.

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