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Set Stripe customer id in parse cloud code

I need help setting the first string parameter in Stripe's update customer function using Parse's cloud code. I tried to simply call the the parameter that I am sending in with the customer id but that does not seem to be even recognized by parse when I attempt to try it. Here is what I currently have:

Parse.Cloud.define("updatecustomer", function(request, response) {

var Stripe = require('stripe'); Stripe.initialize('sk_test_#######');

        request.params.customeruser //it does not seem to be picking up this line
      card: request.params.card, 
      email: request.params.email,
      description: request.params.descriptionuser
      success: function(httpResponse) {
      error: function(httpResponse) {
      response.error("Uh oh, something went wrong");



are you getting request.params.customeruser in your request?

you can check that by logging it in the parse logs - console.log(JSON.stringify(request.params));

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