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Sort a list of dicts by multiple keys

I'd like to sort a list of dicts based on the rank of multiple values in the dicts. But the sort returns None as is


def site_attr_rank(d):
    return attr_rank[d['site']], lang_rank[d['lang']]
attr_rank = {'apple':0, 'pear':1, 'banana':2}
lang_rank = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}
print 'items 1\n', x['items']
x['items'] = x['items'].sort(key=site_attr_rank)
print 'items 2\n', x['items']

.sort sorts in place and modifies the list. You will want to use x['items'].sort(...) without using the result (which is always None ).

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