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Test with Capybara cannot find a checkbox created using Simple Form association

I have a form created using Simple Form, as such

<%= simple_form_for @organisation do |f| %>
  <div class="form-inputs">
    <%= f.association :causes, as: :check_boxes %>
  <div class="form-actions">
    <%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>

The page works fine when I use a browser, but when I try to check this with Capybara, such as:


And have tried many variations of this eg

find(:xpath , '//*[@id="organisation_cause_ids_1"]').set(true)

These always give an error:

 Failure/Error: check('organisation_cause_ids_1')
   Unable to find checkbox "organisation_cause_ids_1"

The HTML generated by Simple Form is:

 <div class="input check_boxes optional organisation_causes">
   <label class="check_boxes optional">Causes</label>
   <span class="checkbox">
     <label for="organisation_cause_ids_1" name="organisation[cause_ids]">
     <input class="check_boxes optional" id="organisation_cause_ids_1" name="organisation[cause_ids][]" type="checkbox" value="1" />Cause A</label>
   <span class="checkbox">
     <label for="organisation_cause_ids_2" name="organisation[cause_ids]">
     <input class="check_boxes optional" id="organisation_cause_ids_2" name="organisation[cause_ids][]" type="checkbox" value="2" />Hunger</label>

Edit: The problem was due to the lazy loading of the 'Causes' I created with the factories. They weren't being created so the page had no checkboxes.

Try with this


or maybe with this

find(:css, ".check_boxes[value='1']").set(true)

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