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Joomla 1.5 and Wincache

I make the integration of Wincache with Joomla 1.5, but i see often, in php_errors this:

PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in joomla.php on line 136

The code is this:

$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('user', $instance);

$storage = $session->_store;
$session_data = $storage->readSessionData($session->getId());
/*136*/ $session_data->guest    = $instance->get('guest');
$session_data->username = $instance->get('username');

I think that I need to declare the object but i don't know how...


these are warnings.

If they do not affect your site usability, you may turn them of using the backend.

Go to Global Configuration.

In the server tab (If I remember well) there is something like Error Reporting.

Turn it off by setting it to none.

Joomla 1.5已过期,并且在当前版本的PHP中不能真正完美地工作(因为它被编写为支持4.4.7和...,所以很多不用于生成警告的内容将生成警告。如果您拥有现代的PHP,但有时却真的不值得付出。$ instance确实存在吗?

Problem solved! $session_data was empty in some circoustance so this generate the problem:

$session_data = $storage->readSessionData($session->getId());

For solve it, simple add:

if (! $storage->readSessionData($session->getId()) ){$session_data = new stdClass();}

Thanks to all!

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