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Multiple routes not working correctly in backbone.js

I'm trying to create a basic webapp that displays images when a specific URL is reached. In this case, I'm using backbone.js's hash system.

I'm trying to make it so that when "www.website.com/index.html#1" is reached, the first image is displayed using some JavaScript that I have. I also need it so that if "www.website.com/index.html#1/#3/#5" is reached, the first, third, and fifth image is displayed. I know that I have to use multiple routes to do this, but I'm not sure how.

I have one working route for the first image that works awesomely. I just don't know how to adapt it so that it works with multiple routes.

Here's the working hash -


    var hideOne = function () {
        var elem = document.getElementById("one");
        elem.className = "hide";

    var Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({
      routes: {
        "test":"test",// #test
      test: hideOne

    var router = new Workspace();


It's awesome, it works, it doesn't even refresh the page. But when I try to add another route to that, it all fails. Like, if I added a "test1":"test1" under the "test":"test" , the original "test":"test" won't work anymore(neither will the new one, of course).

I've even tried copying+pasting that entire block of code and trying to make a whole new route block of code. That doesn't work either. I'm really stumped here.

Any suggestions would be awesome.


You should limit the scope of your first use case. Don't depend on external functions for now. Do something like

routes: {

Then change to

routes:  {
            test: function(){

            test2: function(){

Read more: http://mrbool.com/backbone-js-router/28001#ixzz3ANyS0hkR

Once you have that working, then start working on DOM manipulation.

routes: {
  "?*:queryString": 'showImages'

showImages: function(queryString) {
  console.log(queryString); // #1#3#5

You can use the route "?*:queryString" to match this URL "www.website.com/index.html#?#1#3#5". The functions "showImages" will be called and passing the value #1#3#5 in the queryString param.

So from other questions posted on StackOverflow, and some that I posted myself, some great users have helped me out and I've solved it.

Here's the code that I have to use -

    var hideMany = function () {
      var toHide = [].slice.call(arguments);
      toHide.forEach(function (id) {
        if(id === null) { return }
        var elem = document.getElementById(id);
        if(elem) {
          elem.className = "hide";

    var Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({
      routes: {
        "hide(/:a)(/:b)(/:c)" : "test"
      test: hideMany

    var router = new Workspace();


So when you type "www.website.com/index.html#hide/ID1/ID2/ID3", it'll hide the elements with the IDs that you typed in.

I don't fully understand it, but I'm working on breaking it down and figuring out how it works. Thanks for all the help, guys!

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