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Copy files from corrupted HD using a powershell script

I am trying to use a script that ignores I/O errors on a HD, to copy whatever is good there into another HD. I found this script here : ( https://raw.github.com/DavorJ/PS-ForceCopy/master/Force-Copy.ps1 ) that does just that...but i cant get it to work.

I am trying with command :

.\Force-Copy.ps1 -SourceFilePath "I:\Downloads\" -DestinationFilePath "H:\Downloads" -MaxRetries 6

but it gives me this weird error:

F:\SSDU\Desktop\Force-Copy.ps1 : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'SourceFilePath'. The "Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -Type Leaf" validation script for the argument with value "I:\Downloads\" did not return true. Determine why the validation script failed and then try the command again.
At line:1 char:34
+ .\Force-Copy.ps1 -SourceFilePath "I:\Downloads\" -DestinationFilePath
"H:\Downlo ...
+                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Force-Copy.ps1], ParameterBind
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Force-Copy.ps1

Anyone knows how to use this in win-8 64-bit ? -Thanks

So, it's not a PowerShell solution, but for getting whatever you can off a dying drive I recommend using Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier. You can download it from the author at:


I have had good success with that one.

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