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Rails period inside of url

I am having trouble getting rid of a period inside of my url. I've look up others solution to this problem but either of them were for the index action.

Here is what a url looks like

/shared_songs.32 #current url structure
/shared_songs/32 #would like this format

Here is what is inside of my routes.rb

  get 'shared_songs/:note_id' => "shared_songs#show" #works fine
  get 'shared_songs', to: "shared_songs#index", as: "shared_songs" #/shared_songs.32

Inside of my index.html.erb file I currently have

link_to song.name, shared_songs_path(song)

Any idea how to resolve this problem?

The reason this is happening is because you are taking a url helper that doesn't have any dynamic segments (:id, :user_id etc.) in the path, but you're giving it a value anyway (song). Not knowing what else to do with it, rails uses that value as the format, which is why you end up with /shared_songs/32

shared_song_path(song) doesn't work because you don't current have a route called shared_song . As several of the comments say, by far the easiest way is to do

resources :shared_songs

This will give you a functioning shared_songs_path (for the index, doesn't expect any arguments_ and shared_song_path (requires a parameter). You'll have to change your controller slightly because the the id of the song will be in params[:id] instead of params[:note_id]

Instead of:

link_to song.name, shared_songs_path(song)


link_to song.name, shared_song_path(song)

song , not songs

It might help if you define your routes in a RESTful manner: something like resources :shared_songs . As explained much more clearly in the Rails docs , using the resources helper will automatically set up appropriate routes to the corresponding controller actions.

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