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Detect current page zf2

I need to know in the main layout, if current page is like "module/controller". So, for instance, if I am on the page like "site.com/module/controller", the layout which is in "www/module/application/view/layout/layout.phtml" has to understand that I am on that page.

Could you tell me please, how to cope with it?

Thank you.

A possible solution for that is to set the route parameters as layout variables from your Module.php .

Assuming you have a route configuration which looks like this :

'route'    => '/[:module[/:controller[/:action]]]

You can use the following code :

In your Module.php file :

public function onBootstrap($e)
    $eventManager        = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
    $eventManager->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'initView' ));

public function initView(MvcEvent $e)
    $controller = $e->getTarget();
    $route = $controller->getEvent()->getRouteMatch();

    //set variables into the layout
    $controller->layout()->modulename = $route->getParam('module');
    $controller->layout()->controllername = $route->getParam('controller');
    $controller->layout()->actionname= $route->getParam('action');

Note : If you haven't module in the route parameter you can get it as follows :

    $controllerClass = get_class($controller);
    $moduleName = substr($controllerClass, 0, strpos($controllerClass, '\\'));

    $controller->layout()->modulename = $moduleName;

In your layout :

Now you can access the variables in your layout just like this :

Current page :<?php echo $this->modulename.'/'.$this->controllername.'/'.$this->actionname; ?>

Example :

Page : site.com/application/index/home

Output : Current page : Application/index/home

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