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Purescript applicative does not execute

This executes:

main = do 
  ctx <- getCanvasElementById "stage" >>= getContext2D
  bs  <- initBranches
  tick 0 ctx bs

but this does not:

main = tick 0 <$> (getCanvasElementById "stage" >>= getContext2D)
              <*> initBranches

however both compile, and to my understanding both mean the same basic thing. Why is this the case? Can I use the applicative syntax here (its much more understandable imho)

this also works

main = do
  a <- (tick 0) <$> (getCanvasElementById "stage" >>= getContext2D) <*> initBranches 
  b <- a
  fprint b
main = join $ tick 0 <$> (getCanvasElementById "stage" >>= getContext2D) 
                     <*> initBranches 

the applicative creates a nested Eff, join resolves this easily

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