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TYPO3 different layout in TMENU for a special UID (2 TMENU inside 1 HMENU)

I try to setup a Menu in TYPO3 which got a fixed layout and style. But there is one UID for which I have to set other styles and other wrappings.

I tried to use override fpr allWrap, this works well. But wrap.override won't work :(

For the reason that I have three levels inside the menu, I think about using the levelUID:1 to check which menupoint actually has to be rendered. But how can I access the LEVELUID:1 inside a Menu?

Maybe there are better / other solutions? At the moment, I splitted those two menus up into two separated scripts. This can't be as it makes a positioning inside the menu impossible.

the normal menu:

lib.field_mainnav = HMENU
lib.field_mainnav {
    entryLevel = 0
    excludeUidList = {$featureMenuUid}
    wrap = <ul class="sf-menu fixed" id="menu">|
    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        expAll = 1
        NO.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        NO.linkWrap = <li>|</li>
        IFSUB = 1
        IFSUB.allWrap = <li class="dropdown">|<ul>
        IFSUB.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        ACTIFSUB = 1
        ACTIFSUB.allWrap = <li class="current dropdown">|<ul>
        ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        ACT = 1
        ACT.allWrap = <li class="current">|<ul> 
        ACT.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>

    2 = TMENU
    2 {
        expAll = 1
        wrap = |</ul></li>
        NO.linkWrap = <li>|</li>
        IFSUB = 1
        IFSUB.allWrap = <li class="dropdown">|<ul>
    3 = TMENU
    3 < .2
    4 = TMENU
    4 < .2

And the special menu for the site with UID 155 (and all subpages of it)

lib.field_featurenav = HMENU
lib.field_featurenav {
   special = directory
    special.value = {$featureMenuUid}

    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        expAll = 1
        NO.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        NO.linkWrap = <li>|</li>
        IFSUB = 1
        IFSUB.allWrap = <li>| <div class="sf-mega">
        IFSUB.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        ACTIFSUB = 1
        ACTIFSUB.allWrap = <li>| <div class="sf-mega">
        ACTIFSUB.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>
        ACT = 1
        ACT.allWrap = <li>| <div class="sf-mega">
        ACT.stdWrap.wrap = <span> | </span>

2 {
    expAll = 1
    wrap = <div class="sf-mega-section"><ul>|</li>
    NO.linkWrap = <li>a|e</li>

    IFSUB = 1
    IFSUB.allWrap = <li>|
    IFSUB.stdWrap.cObject = COA
    IFSUB.stdWrap.cObject {

    10 = TEXT
    10.field = tx_pricons_pr_icons
    10.wrap = <!!=|></i>
    20 = TEXT
    20.field = title
    20.wrap =&nbsp;|
3 {
    expAll = 1
    wrap = <li>|</li></ul></div><div class="sf-mega-section"><ul>
    NO.linkWrap = <li>|</li>
    NO.stdWrap.cObject = COA
    NO.stdWrap.cObject {

    10 = TEXT
    10.field = tx_pricons_pr_icons
    10.wrap = <!!=|></i>
    20 = TEXT
    20.field = title
    20.wrap =&nbsp;|
4 < .2


EDIT: I think I should do something like this:


        linkWrap = <li>|</li>
            value.data = leveluid : 1 
            IsInList = {$featureMenuUid}
            stdWrap.Wrap = do another kind of wrap|to this element


How can I prove the leveluid :1. and if it matches the featureMenuId do an override.

Is there no possibility to get the Leveluid : 1 of the actual {field:uid} ?

This would be solving my problem but I found nothing.

Maybe using a case object with the key on the uid?

Like this:

lib.nav = HMENU
lib.nav {

    entryLevel = 0

    1 = TMENU
    1 {
        expAll = 1

        NO = 1
        NO.stdWrap.wrap = <span class="foo bar">|</span>
        NO.stdWrap.override.cObject = CASE
        NO.stdWrap.override.cObject {
           key.field = uid

           18 = TEXT
           18 {
               field = title
               wrap = <span class="special">|</span>




Answer to your comment:

Maybe cou can check the current rootline level of the page?

Like this:

key.cObject = TEXT
key.cObject {

    data = level


With data = level you will get the current level of the page.


Edited Answer to my comment: (Aug 28 at 19:35)

NO {

    wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>
    wrapItemAndSub.override = <li class="otherWrap">|</li>
    wrapItemAndSub.override.if { 
        value = {$featureMenuUid}
        equals.field = uid


What you should know, is that


is from type stdWrap.



is NOT from type stdWrap. So you cant use any stdWrap property there. Thats because i used wrapItemAndSub.

I hope I explained it clearly enough.

If I gave a totally wrong answer, just let me know..

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