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Webpack random module loading at runtime

I have a number of modules I'd like to load/don't load conditionally at runtime. However, I do not know the name of the module at bundling time. My code is something like this:

function A(depModule){
    return {
        theActionThatDependsOnThatModule: function(){
            require([depModule], function(dep){

and then I have a bunch of modules that consume the one above, being something like this:

var obj = A('../window');

But I get the 'require.ensure is undefined' error in browser. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?

So I kinda found a solution. It's ugly, and maybe someone can tell me how to do it better, but in the meanwhile it works for me:

function A(depModule){
    return {
        theActionThatDependsOnThatModule: function(){

var obj = A(function(cb){
    require(['./window'], cb);

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