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Installing PHP GD on my Windows 7 with Apache

For the life of me I cannot get GD installed in my Windows 7 PHP build. This is what I have done:

My path is C:/webserver/php/php.ini

Naturally, GD is commented out in my php.ini file. (;extension=php_gd2.dll)

  1. I remove the semicolon in front of extension
  2. save php.ini
  3. copy php_gd2.dll from .../php/ext/ and
  4. paste it in the /php/ folder
  5. Restart Apache.

Everything everywhere says that should work but it does not.

running phpinfo(); shows me that the path to php.ini is correct and that GD is still not installed .

What am I doing wrong? I am at my wit's end.

AFAIK 你必须将 php_gd2.dll 留在 .../ext/ 文件夹中。

To enable .php lib" index for Apache24. Go to your Apache24\\conf . Open httpd.conf file then search
paste following code

<IfModule mime_module>
AddType text/html .shtml
    AddType text/html .php .phps


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