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jqgrid - why after jquery.ajax(type:html) then jqgrid reload event not working?


I have a problem with jqgrid.

I'm using two pages.

The main page(=call "A") has a one jqgrid.

and it's simple grid.

The second page(=call "B") are call from page "A" via jquery ajax (dataType : "html").

And "B" page has two jqgrid as a inlineHTML.

And now the problem is, after loaded "B" page (no problem in "B" page). In "A" page. The $grid.trigger("reloadGrid"); is not working.

But if not use jquery.ajax event, then "A" page works.

here is my source.

[1] page > "A" > call method "B"

            url: "B.html",
            dataType : "html"           }).done(function(result) {
            $('#div_memberSearchPopup').bPopup({ //                           content:'ajax' //'ajax', 'iframe' or 'image' //                            contentContainer:'.memberSearchPopup_content'
                  zIndex: 2 //                          , modalClose: false
                , positionStyle: 'fixed'
                , follow: [false, false]
                , position: [100, 100]
                , onOpen: function() {

[2] page > "B" > reload method "A".trigger("reloadGrid")

                        .jqGrid('setGridParam', {
                url  : "A.html",
                page       : 1,
                mtype : "get",
                contentType: "application/json",
                dataType : "json",
                postData   : dataValue,
                loadComplete: function(){
                    if(typeof loadCompleteFunc === 'function') {

Thanks for read this question.

I resolved my problem.

The problem is included duplicated javascript library.

I are using tile template then in template's has a includes.

So I resolved i my self! Thanks all!!!

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