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Override FOSUserBundle routes Symfony2

I would like to override some routes from FOSUserBundle


    path:     /{_locale}/login
    defaults: { _controller: FOSUserBundle:Security:login }
        _locale: %locales%

    path:     /login_check
    defaults: { _controller: FOSUserBundle:Security:check }
        _locale: %locales%

    path:     /{_locale}/logout
    defaults: { _controller: FOSUserBundle:Security:logout }
        _locale: %locales%

But it does not works, route are not found


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<routes xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/routing"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/routing http://symfony.com/schema/routing/routing-1.0.xsd">

    <route id="fos_user_security_login" pattern="/{_locale}/login">
        <default key="_controller">FOSUserBundle:Security:login</default>

    <route id="fos_user_security_check" pattern="/login_check">
        <default key="_controller">FOSUserBundle:Security:check</default>
        <requirement key="_method">POST</requirement>

    <route id="fos_user_security_logout" pattern="/{_locale}/logout">
        <default key="_controller">FOSUserBundle:Security:logout</default>


This works but I don't know how to pass my locales parameter from parameter.yml

First of all the the yaml routes are not working because the FOSUserBundle Routes are defined in xml. So your yaml routes won't imported.

here the FOSUserBundle Routes: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/tree/master/Resources/config/routing

If the FOSUserBundle is the parent bundle of your userbundle you are able to rewrite the FOSUserBundle routing resources. How to do this is explained here: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/inheritance.html#overriding-resources-templates-routing-etc

Further more to answer to the last point how to pass the locale into the route is described here: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/inheritance.html#overriding-resources-templates-routing-etc

<route id="contact" path="/{_locale}/contact">
    <default key="_controller">AcmeDemoBundle:Contact:index</default>
    <requirement key="_locale">%locales%</requirement>

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