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jQuery posting got 500 Internal Server Error?

The jQuery posting event is

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#going").click(function () {
                 going: $("#going").val() 
             function (data) {
               //No success code.   

And the action in control is

    public ActionResult ToggleGoing(bool going, int? id)
        var e = db.Events.FindAsync(id);

However, the javascript console shows it got 500 error?

POST https://localhost:44300/Home/ToggleGoing 500 (Internal Server Error)

This: ValidateAntiForgeryToken .

When you use $.post() the hidden field that contains the validation token is not being included. You need to include it in your POST data:

        going: $("#going").val(),
        __RequestVerificationToken: $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val()
    }, function (data) {


Of course, this assumes that you've added a @Html.AntiForgeryToken() to your form somewhere.

Correct your Post url :

$.post("/Home/ToggleGoing", { going: $("#going").val() , id:???//pass value of id }, function (data) {})

Make sure going is of type bool .


as my suggestion in comments section worked for the questioner so im adding that also in answer.

Just remove [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] token from Post controller or include ValidateAntiForgeryToken as a parameter in $.Post() .

I have answered the almost similar question at:

How to get {ID} in url “controller/action/id” in a post action?

As discribed in the above answer, you are also missing the id in the end of url as it is mapped like "{controller}/{action}/{id}" in RouteConfig.cs file in RegisterRoutes method. So your corrected Url will be:

"/Home/ToggleGoing/{id}"  //in your case: "/Home/ToggleGoing/4"

Next is "going" is bool parameter. and to find the check box is checked or not "val()" is not the correct method, you should use it as:


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