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Laravel with Homestead

I new with virtual box and vagrant , Now I using Homestead image and every thing is run well but when i create my project named laravel on virtual machine it supposed that i see this new folder named laravel on my machine but i didn't get any thing on my machine.

NOTE: - I'm using ubuntu 14.04

This is my homestead.yaml

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1

authorize: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


 - ~/.ssh/id_rsa


  - map: /var/projects/
    to: /home/vagrant/projects/


- map: homestead.app
  to: /home/vagrant/projects/laravel/public


- key: APP_ENV
  value: local    

thanks advance

This tutorial help me to fix the problem

  • you can see this video video


  • Following this article is very helpful.

...when i create my project named laravel on virtual machine it supposed that i see this new folder named laravel on my machine...

I've run into this before. The root laravel project folder needs to be created on your real machine first. Then setup the site folder mapping above as you have done.

Then afterwards any further changes inside the virtual machine will replicate/sync both ways.

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