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How do I cap the slider so that my next and prev buttons don't scroll past the content into whitespace?

I've created a fiddle to demonstrate my question. If you continue to hit prev and next the slider bar keeps sliding even past the content.

$('#next').click(function() {
            marginLeft: "-=200px"
          }, "fast");
$('#prev').click(function() {
        marginLeft: "+=200px"
      }, "fast");

I assume I need an if statement something like

if (current.width+totalScrolled < slider.width)
        marginLeft: "+=200px"
      }, "fast");
     [soemthing like set.scrollRight = max]

and again to keep track of where you are so you don't scroll back too far.

Even a solution that brings you back to the beginning would be a great way to solve this. I just help with logic.

Here are the required if statements:

$('#next').click(function() {
    if($('#sliderWrapper').css("margin-left").replace("px", "")*-1 < $("#imageSlider").width()){
            marginLeft: "-=200px"
        }, "fast");
$('#prev').click(function() {
    if($('#sliderWrapper').css("margin-left").replace("px", "") < 0){
            marginLeft: "+=200px"
        }, "fast");

I also made some improvements to the css. At least, I think they are improvements, feel free to ignore them. The can be found here . Set the width of the slider to anyting, I just set it to 400px for testing.

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