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Using Knockout.js how to extract selected items from a multiselect dropdown list in an array

Is it possible to extract selected items from a multi-select Select HTML element when these elements are embedded in table rows?

Please check jsFiddle

How can I list the selected country ids for each row when using Knockout.js? How do I use the selectedValues option for each row?

<div id="CountryList" style="margin-top:40px; margin-bottom:40px">
    <table id="Countries">
                <th>Line No.</th>
        <tbody data-bind="foreach: countryLines">
                <td data-bind="text: lineNumber"></td>
                    <select data-bind="options: $root.availableCountries, optionsValue: 'countryId', optionsText: 'countryName'" multiple="true"></select>

<button data-bind="click: showSelectedCountries">Show Selected Countries (console log)</button>

function CountryLine(lineNumber, initialCountry) {
    var self = this;
    self.lineNumber = lineNumber;
    self.country = ko.observable(initialCountry);

function CountryViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    self.countryLines = ko.observableArray([]);

    // Get audit cycles
    self.availableCountries = [{
        countryId: "1",
        countryName: "Canada"
    }, {
        countryId: "2",
        countryName: "Brasil"
    }, {
        countryId: "3",
        countryName: "Australia"

    self.countryLines.push(new CountryLine("Line 1", "1"));
    self.countryLines.push(new CountryLine("Line 2", "2"));

    // Operations
    self.showSelectedCountries = function () {

        var self = this;

        for (var i = 0; i < self.countryLines().length; i++) {

            var lineNumber = self.countryLines()[i].lineNumber;
            // var selectedCountries = self.countryLine()[i].country; Question: how to extract selected countries for each row?

    } // end showSelectedCountries

} // end self.scheduleAudits

ko.applyBindings(new CountryViewModel());

You can do this in Knockout using the selectedOptions binding. Check out this JSFiddle for information:


Update your CountryLine object to include the necessary array:

function CountryLine(lineNumber, initialCountry) {
    var self = this;
    self.lineNumber = lineNumber;
    self.selectedCountries = ko.observableArray([initialCountry]);

And add it to the binding in the view:

    <select data-bind="options: $root.availableCountries, optionsValue: 'countryId', optionsText: 'countryName', selectedOptions: selectedCountries" multiple="true"></select>

Essentially the selectedOptions binding allows to to store the selected values in an Observable Array on the model.

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