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Customized twitter button with pop-up

This is the code for my Twitter button that works:

var tweeturl = 'http://twitter.com/share?url=' + encodeURI(window.location) +'&via=MyTwitterUserName&text=The editable text I want to include automatically in the tweet';

// Place the text on the page. Change body to wherever you want the button placed. 
$('div[data-role="footer"] > div').append('<a id="mycustomtwitterbutton" href=" ' + tweeturl + ' "><img src="/Content/images/share_twitter.jpg"></a>')

I've a simple question.

I would like to open the link as a pop-up dialog and not in a new page and that when I click on "OK" to confirm the tweet of the link, it returns in my application.

Can you help me ?

Thank you

It is hard to tell exactly what you are trying to do without more code, but the javascript version of the pop-up is below.

var actwin=window.open(location,'mywindow',

This is some javascript code for a confirmation message.

var x=window.confirm("Question?");
if (x){

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